[Korea Restaurants-17] 건대 맛집 건대 내장탕
When I visited Korea recently, I was really impressed by the Naejangtang restaurant I tried at Konkuk University. There aren’t many hangover soup or naejangtang restaurants in Konkuk University, but this place finally opened! It’s the first time in 18 years of living here.
When I eat, I like fancy or clean places, but I prefer places with honest signs like this. It has a great restaurant vibe! The owner said it opened recently.
I went in right after seeing the sign that said, “A restaurant that makes good naejangtang.” It was indeed better than I expected!
최근 한국에 들렀을 때 맛본 건대 내장탕이 정말 인상 깊었어요. 건대에 해장국집이나 내장탕집이 많지 않은데, 드디어 이런 곳이 생겼네요! 18년 동안 살면서 처음이에요.
저는 식사할 때 화려하거나 깔끔한 곳도 좋지만, 이렇게 정직한 간판이 걸린 곳을 더 선호해요. 맛집의 감성이 물씬 풍기네요! 사장님께서 최근에 오픈하셨다고 하더군요.
“내장탕 잘하는 집”이라는 간판을 보고 바로 들어갔는데, 과연 기대 이상이었답니다!
The sign at the entrance that said, “This place makes great naejangtang” really left an impression on me. Trust me!
입구에 ‘내장탕 잘 하는 집’이라는 문구가 정말 인상 깊었어요. 믿어보세요!
The interior is not very large, but it is cozy and quiet enough for a meal alone or for two people, so it was really nice.
실내는 크지 않지만, 혼밥이나 두 사람이 식사하기에는 오히려 아늑하고 조용해서 정말 좋았어요.
Since it was an open kitchen, I could trust the hygiene. It was very clean!!
오픈형 주방이라 위생이 믿음이 가더라고요. 엄청 깔끔했어요!!
There are only two menus, but you can feel the power of a famous restaurant.
Since they use 100% expensive domestic Korean beef, aren’t you excited?
And soju is 4,000 won…
I admit that this is a really good restaurant!!
메뉴가 단 두 개뿐인데, 역시 맛집의 포스가 느껴지네요.
그 비싼 국내산 한우가 100% 사용된다니, 기대가 되죠?
거기에 소주가 4천 원이라니…
정말 착한 가게라고 인정합니다!!
It was really nice because it was served on a plate that was easy to eat for one person and it was neat~
1인 쟁반에 먹기 좋게 나와서 깔끔하니 정말 좋았어요~
As the taste of noodle restaurants has become more standardized, they say that the taste of kimchi is what determines the taste of restaurants these days?
Do you see this color?
It was a great taste that went very well with Naejangtang~
국밥집의 맛이 상향 평준화되면서 김치의 맛이 요즘 맛집을 좌우한다고 하죠?
이 색깔 보이시나요?
내장탕과 아주 잘 어울리는 훌륭한 맛이었어요~
If you miss out on Naejangtang or Haejangguk, you’ll regret it!
This is really the most basic of the basics.
I think you can see that the fact that this gochujang is included means that the owner is serious about Naejangtang~
내장탕이나 해장국에 빠지면 섭섭한 고추지!
이거 진짜 기본 중의 기본이죠.
이 고추지가 나온다는 건 사장님께서 내장탕에 진심이라는 뜻으로 보면 될 것 같아요~
Another basic one…
See the Cheongyang peppers and minced garlic?
This is a must!
또 하나의 기본인 장…
청양 고추와 다진 마늘 보이시나요?
이건 정말 필수죠!
Naejangtang yum~!!!
Konkuk Naejangtang… The confidence you feel from the signboard and the name is conveyed as it is!!!!
내장탕 뙇~!!!
건대 내장탕… 간판과 이름에서 느껴지는 자신감이 그대로 전해지네요!!!!
That richness…
Have you seen a place like this with 100% Korean beef and plenty of side dishes?
It was really, really goodㅠㅠ
I thought it would be refreshing, but what is this?
The savory and refreshing taste just melts in your mouth… What is it… It’s familiar but not familiar, and you can’t stop eating it.
This tastes a little different from other Naejangtang restaurants, but of course there’s no gamey smell, and you can really enjoy it comfortably!
It’s really delicious~~!!!!
저 푸짐함…
요즘 이렇게 한우 100%에 건더기가 푸짐한 곳, 보셨나요?
진짜 너무너무 좋더라고요ㅠㅠ
이게 당연히 얼큰할 줄 알았는데, 웬걸?
구수하고 시원한 맛이 입에 촥 감기네요… 뭐지… 익숙한데 익숙하지 않은 맛, 그러면서 계속 들어가요.
이건 다른 내장탕 집들과는 조금 다른 맛인데, 잡내는 당연히 없고 정말 편안하게 즐길 수 있어요!
진짜 맛있어요~~!!!!
If you dip it in the original sauce… fantastic harmony! Soft and chewy, very well cooked~ Praise~
There is absolutely no smell!
As expected, Korean beef is just light… It’s just expensive so I can’t eat it…
근본 장에 찍어 먹으면… 환상적인 조화! 부드럽고 쫄깃한 게 아주 잘 익었어요~ 칭찬해~
냄새는 절대 없답니다!
역시 한우는 그저 빛이죠… 비싸서 못 먹을 뿐… ㅠㅜ
Oh my… This is a combination that is beyond words!!
The harmony of spicy chili peppers and Korean beef intestines… Wow… It’s fantastic… ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I want to eat it again as I write this…
If you’re reading this, this is a restaurant that I, who lives to eat, highly recommend, so please visit and try it!!!
Of course, I paid for it~~
으아아… 이건 뭐 할 말 없는 조합이죠!!
매콤한 고추지와 한우 내장의 조화… 우와… 환상이에요… ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
글을 쓰면서도 또 먹고 싶네요…
지금 이 글을 읽으셨다면, 먹기 위해 사는 제가 강추하는 맛집이니 꼭 한 번 방문해서 드셔보세요!!!
당연히 제 돈으로 먹은 거예요~~
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